Quest:Best Banners Forward

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Best Banners Forward
Level 103
Type Solo
Starts with Glánhar
Starts at Ost Rimmon
Start Region Beacon Hills
Map Ref [47.8S, 37.1W]
Quest Chain Far Anórien: Beacon Hills
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Our straw soldiers look fearsome, <name>, but something is missing. What is it? Ah, I know. The banners are not hanging. True, they have not hung in many years, but I feel that they must hang now. It tells the barbarians and Orcs out there that we have not abandoned this place and are not hiding. It will make them think again about attempting an assault!

'I ask you to return to Bargwen and aid her in restoring the banners to their places. That is all.'


Lady Glánhar wishes for banners to be hung on Ost Rimmon's walls to deter enemies from an assault.

Objective 1

Bargwen is located in the southern end of Ost Rimmon.

Go to Bargwen and tell her of Lady Glánhar's wish to restore the banners to the walls.

Bargwen: 'What does she want now? The banners, is it? I should have guessed she would choose the most laborious task short of scrubbing the stables. I have you to help me at least... do I not?
'The banners will be stored in the storehouse. Bring them to me and we will see what state they are in.'

Objective 2

  • Gather the banners (0/6)

You should gather the stored banners from the storehouse in Ost Rimmon.

'Gathered a banner (6/6)

Objective 3

  • Return to Bargwen

You should bring the banners to Bargwen, who is in the southern end of Ost Rimmon.

Bargwen: 'Let me see them. Fah! These are filthy. At least by some miracle they are not moth-eaten. Still, they must be washed. There is a bucket. Take it to the well and bring some water. I will prepare the things we need.
'The Well is back in the centre of Ost Rimmon, where Lady Glánhar stnds.'

Objective 4

  • Take the empty bucket

You should take the bucket and and fill it at the well in the centre of Ost Rimmon, then bring it back to Bargwen.

Took the bucket

Objective 5

  • Fill the bucket at the well
  • Bring the bucket to Bargwen

You should take the bucket and and fill it at the well in the centre of Ost Rimmon, then bring it back to Bargwen.

You place the bucket next to Bargwen

Objective 6

  • Talk to Bargwen

You should talk to Bargwen, who is in the southern end of Ost Rimmon.

Bargwen: 'Good. I have laid all the things out. Take the pile of dirty banners and put them in the water. Wash each one well and then place them on the poles to dry.'

Objective 7

  • Pick up the pile of dirty banners
  • Put the banners in the bucket

You should put the dirty banners in the bucket of water to wash them.

The water darkens quickly from the banners' dirt

Objective 8

  • Wash the banners

You should wash the banners in the bucket of water.

Objective 9

  • Take banners out of the bucket

You should place the cleaned, wet banners on the poles to dry.

Took the banners from the bucket

Objective 10

  • Hang banners on the poles (0/6)

You should place the cleaned, wet banners on the poles to dry.

Hung banner on the pole (6/6)

Objective 11

  • Talk to Bargwen

Bargwen is in the southern end of Ost Rimmon.

You should talk to Bargwen now that the banners are washed and hung on the poles.

Bargwen: 'You have given me a moment's rest and not complained. Not loud enough for it to reach my ears, at any rate. I myself could never get work down without complaining.
'Now I will rouse myself and see that these are properly hung. You may tell Lady Glánhar it is taken care of. Brag of your accomplishments if it suits you.'

Objective 12

You should return to Lady Glánhar in the centre of Ost Rimmon and tell her that the banners are ready and will be hung shortly.

Glánhar: 'The banners were no trouble? Good. Bargwen is a tireless worker, is she not? Now, at last I feel we're beginning to present a proud and fearsome face to any foe who creeps up to our door.'